Pt100 Givare Ohm Tabell
T e m p e r a t u r e p r o c e s s i n s t r u m e n t s i n c technical information data bulletin platinum 100 ohms pt100 α 000385 temp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Pt1000 resistance table c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 60256 90 64300 63896 63492 63088 62684 62280 61876 61471 61066 60661 80 68325 67924 67522.
Givare Och Sta Lldon
Pt100 temperature resistance table c 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 c 200 184932 200 190 228031 223737 219439 215139 210834 206526 202215 197899 193580 189258 190.

Pt100 givare ohm tabell. Your pt100 thermometer is tested against a known reference standard and a certificate of calibration is produced. For a high accuracy instrument such as our pt100 model we offer a ukas calibration service. Temperatures in multiples of ten can be found down the left axis whilst for more precise readings you must move along the horizontal axis between one and nine.
Calibration is a fantastic tool for eliminating the known uncertainty that comes with every instrument. For example the resistance of a pt100 at 126c is 14832 ohms. Iec751 1985 din 43760 1980 bs 1904 1984 c 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 500 8031 400 8429 8388 8348 8308 8269 8229 8189 8150 8110 8070.
Givarresistansvärden för pt1000 element. The table below can be used as a referencing tool to find the relationship between a range of temperatures and resistance for pt100 rtd sensors. Resistansen relaterad till temperaturen gällande platina element pt1000.
Kalibrering Pentronic
Rti400din100b80 Industrial Pt100 0 400 C Pt100 Golombek
Https Carbex Se Wp Content Pdf Datablad Datablad Pt 100 Pdf
Ntc12k Sensors
Utegivare Varmepump Fluxio Se
Pt100 Givarens Egenskaper Och Felkallor Pentronic
Temperaturgivare Teknik Mm Oem Automatic Ab
Temperaturgivare Teknik Mm Oem Automatic Ab